"If you are looking for a unique destination that is a dynamic business centre and a tourist paradise, offering more attractions, shopping, fine dining and quality hotels, it’s definitely Dubai"
• Strategic location and well established trading links exist with the greater than 1.5 billion people in the neighbouring region covering the Gulf, Middle East/Eastern Mediterranean, CIS, Central Asia, Africa and the Asian sub-continent.
• Dubai’s total international trade has grown on average by over 11% per year since 1988 and regional economic growth and liberalization should boost demand further.
• A buoyant local economy strategically located in the midst of one of the world’s richest regions and well stocked with ample supplies of cheap energy and primary aluminum; also adjacent to major regional suppliers of vital agro-export commodities.
• Diversified - varied and significant import requirements generate opportunities for product suppliers and re-exporters.
• Accessible - served by over 120 shipping lines and linked via 120 airlines to over 200 global destinations.
• Open - no exchange controls, quotas or trade barriers.